Brookhaven City Hall

Atlanta, GA

Brookhaven City Hall is an approximately 56,030 sqft 4 story mass timber office building over below grade parking for a total of 99,590 sqft. The new city hall will house the offices and chambers for the mayor, city council, and city staff. It will be on 1.2 acres and includes an atrium, retail and restaurant space, event space and catering kitchen, and a rooftop terrace. 

Rendering provided by Sizemore group.

Version History
  • Project uploaded by Taylor LeBlanc on 12-12-2023
  • Project last updated by David Impson on 08-23-2024
Project Details
  • Year Built


  • Number Of Stories


  • Bldg system

    Mass Timber

  • Sq. Meters


  • Construction Type:


  • Building Type:


  • Material Types:

    Mass Timber
    Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT)
    Glue-Laminated Timber (GLT or glulam)
    Timber-Frame / Post and Beam
    Hybrid (wood with steel or concrete)

Project Team
Version History
  • Project uploaded by Taylor LeBlanc on 12-12-2023
  • Project last updated by David Impson on 08-23-2024
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