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Wharf Water Building II

Washington, DC
  • Système

    Bois massif

  • étages


  • Mètres carrés


Water Building II, part of Phase 2 of The Wharf development in Washington, DC, is a 22,000 square foot structure located within the $2.5 billion, 3.2 million square foot waterfront neighborhood along the Washington Channel.  It hosts maritime services and retail on the ground floor, with a restaurant/bar on the second level.  Positioned between The Grove and M Street Landing, it embodies a modern take on a utilitarian pier building, utilizing traditional materials.  The design caters to various programmatic uses and emphasizes views on the Washington Channel.  Its facade features wood fins and zinc-coated steel panels, offering a refined appearance on the wharf side and a more relaxed look on the water side.  The green roof extends M Stree Landing and provides an attractive rooftop vista for nearby high-rise occupants.

  • Type de construction:


  • Type de bâtiment:

    Assemblée (Culte, Restaurant, Théâtre)

  • Types de matériaux:

    Charpente en bois / Poteau et poutre, Platelage en bois lourd

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