• L'industrie


  • Services offerts

    General Contractor, Developer, EPC

  • A de l'expérience avec ces bâtiments:

    Bureau, Éducatif

  • A de l'expérience avec ces matériaux:

    Bois massif, Bois lamellé-croisé, Bois Lamellé-Collé

  • A de l'expérience dans les différents types de construction:


Les personnes qui travaillent ici:
Mortenson is a U.S.-based, top-25 developer, builder and engineering services provider serving the commercial, institutional and energy sectors. Mortenson’s expanding portfolio of integrated services helps its customers move their strategies forward, ensuring their investments result in high-performing assets. The result is a turnkey partner, fully invested in the business success of its customers.

At the end of the day, the company wants to be known for making sure the built environment has a lasting positive impact and strives to make each project better than imagined possible.

Mortenson aims to be true to who they are and why they’re here. With their Corporate Social Responsibility program, Building for the Greater Good, the company is able to impact the world in a way that matters to their team members, customers, partners and the planet.

With and for their customers, Mortenson is pushing to new heights, using renewable resources and sustainable building methods, like with mass timber, they are striving to take care of our planet for future generations.
Lieux d'exploitation

Chicago, IL


Denver, CO


Fargo, ND

Iowa City

Iowa City, IA


Milwaukee, WI

Minneapolis (HQ)

Minneapolis, MN


Nashville, TN


Phoenix, AZ


Portland, OR

Salt Lake City

Salt Lake City, UT

San Antonio

San Antonio, TX


Seattle, WA

Washington DC

Washington, DC